
Call for Sessions

The Finnish Urban Studies Annual Conference will take place in Turku on May 4–5, 2023. The organizers of the 2023 conference are the Society for Urban Planning, the Finnish Society for Urban Research and the Society for Built Environment Research in cooperation with the Turku Urban Research Programme.

The Conference 2023 calls for sessions around the theme of City of Knowledge. The aim is to consider the importance of science and information in urban development. Modern cities, as well as societies, are built on researched knowledge. Simultaneously, cities make use of the information produced by citizens and people visiting the city. City dwellers, on the other hand, use everyday, experiential knowledge both in their actions and in their efforts to influence the development of their city.

The connection between information and urban research can be considered, for example, by asking: What kind of information do cities need and want to have and who can produce it? How is the information produced by researchers intertwined with the everyday experiential knowledge of city dwellers? What is the position of higher education institutions in cities? How is the appreciation of knowledge reflected in cities? How have different sciences – architecture, history, economics, political science, sociology, geography, cultural studies – influenced and influence urban development today? How has information about cities been structured and changed? What kind of information and knowledge do we need in anticipation of the future of cities?

In addition to the knowledge produced by researchers, the knowledge on cities produced by means of participatory methods and citizen information is part of the theme of the conference. The theme also reflects the 20th anniversary of the Urban Studies Conference.

We invite for proposals for working groups on the City of Knowledge by January 20th, 2023. We welcome both theoretical reviews of the theme as well as empirical applications. We encourage proposals that strengthen interdisciplinary discussions.

Each proposal should include

  1. a title of the session
  2. name(s) of presenter(s)/chair(s), email address(es), and affiliation(s)
  3. a description of the content and aims of the session (max. 3,500 characters)

Please send your proposal by email to: