Keynote Speakers 2024

Mats Fridlund

Associate Professor
University of Gothenburg

Mats Fridlund is Deputy Director for the Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities (GRIDH) and Researcher at Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion (LIR) at University of Gothenburg. He is Associate Professor of History of Science and Ideas at University of Gothenburg and Associate Professor in Digital History at University of Turku. In his research he studies the politics and culture of modern science, technology and innovation, with a focus on the technologies of terrorism and often with the use of digital methods.

More info coming soon.

Abstract for Keynote:


Abstract coming soon.

Maria Kaika

Professor in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning 
University of Amsterdam

Maria Kaika is professor in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

She holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Oxford and an MSc in Architecture and Planning from the National Technical University of Athens. She has held tenured posts at the Universities of Oxford and Manchester and visiting and honorary professorships  in several European Universities. Currently, she is Director of the Centre for Urban studies and Chair in Urban Regional and Environmental Planning at the University of Amsterdam. She is recipient of the 2017 Jim Lews Prize for the most innovate  academic publication (with L Ruggiero), and of the 2021  European Award of Excellence in Teaching in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Her research focuses on urban political ecology, the relation between economic crisis and environmental and housing marginalization, and the embodied politics of infrastructures.  

Since 2010, she has been the co-editor in chief of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research and sits on the Editorial Board of European Urban and Regional Studies and Human Geography. Her work has received funding from national and international research councils and organisations (including the British Academy, and EU Framework and Marie Curie programmes).

She is author/editor of: Turning Up the Heat: Urban Political Ecology for a Climate Emergency (2023 Manchester University Press; with R Keil, T Mandler, Y Tzaninis); Class meets Land: The Embodied History of Land Financialization (with L Ruggiero; in print 2024 University of California Press); The Political Ecology of Austerity (2021, Routledge, New York; with R Calvario and G Velegrakis);   Urbanizing degrowth: Five steps towards a Radical Spatial Degrowth Agenda for planning in the face of climate emergency (2023 Urban Studies Special Issue with Varvarousis, A, Demaria, F and March, H); In the Nature of Cities: urban political ecology and the metabolism of urban environments (2006 with N Heynen and E Swyngedouw; Routledge, London); and  City of Flows: Modernity, Nature and the City (2005; Routledge, New York).


Maria Kaika on väitellyt tohtoriksi maantieteestä Oxfordin yliopistossa ja suorittanut arkkitehtuurin ja yhdyskuntasuunnittelun maisterin tutkinnon Ateenan kansallisessa teknisessä yliopistossa. Hänellä on ollut vakituisia virkoja Oxfordin ja Manchesterin yliopistoissa sekä vierailevia ja kunniaprofessuureja useissa eurooppalaisissa yliopistoissa. Tällä hetkellä hän on Amsterdamin yliopiston (UvA) kaupunkitutkimuskeskuksen johtaja ja kaupunkien alue- ja ympäristösuunnittelun professori. Hän on saanut vuonna 2017 Jim Lews -palkinnon innovatiivisimmasta akateemisesta julkaisusta (yhdessä L Ruggieron kanssa) ja vuonna 2021 Euroopan humanistisen ja yhteiskuntatieteellisen opetuksen huippuosaamispalkinnon. Hänen tutkimuksensa keskittyy kaupunkien poliittiseen ekologiaan, talouskriisin ja ympäristön ja asumisen marginalisoitumisen väliseen suhteeseen sekä infrastruktuurien keholliseen politiikkaan. 

Vuodesta 2010 lähtien hän on ollut International Journal of Urban and Regional Research -lehden päätoimittaja ja kuuluu European Urban and Regional Studies and Human Geography -julkaisun toimituskuntaan. Hänen työnsä on saanut rahoitusta kansallisilta ja kansainvälisiltä tutkimusneuvostoilta ja -organisaatioilta (mukaan lukien British Academy sekä EU Framework ja Marie Curie -ohjelmat).

Hän on kirjoittaja/toimittaja useissa teoksissa (ks. englanninkielinen abstrakti).

Abstract for Keynote:

Urban Political Ecology – from epistemology to praxis for a climate emergency

In this talk, I shall focus on the recently published book: Turning Up the Heat: Urban Political Ecology for a Climate Emergency (Kaika, Keil, Mandler and Tzaninis (eds), 2023) to affirm the relevance of Urban Political Ecology (UPE) as an ontological, epistemological, and methodological intervention that can help address the socio-environmental emergencies of the twenty-first century.

Urban political ecology scholarship unsettles ‘traditional’ understandings of ‘cities’ as ontological entities separate from ‘nature’ and develops methods to examine how the production of settlements is metabolically linked with flows of capita, but also to more than-human ecological processes.

Acknowledging UPE’s rich intellectual history; a) I discuss how UPE tries to go beyond splitting research between social sciences and natural sciences; and b) I identify recently emerging ontologies and epistemologies within UPE that take the field forward. These address:

1. New forms of extended urbanisation.

2. Situated forms of knowledge production

3. More than human socio-ecological and economic practices

4. The uneasy interface between politics, policy, and academic debate over urbanization and climate change.

I argue that exploring UPE’s new ontologies, epistemologies and methods is not simply an academic exercise, that helps move an academic field forwards. It is also significant for making academic research relevant to politics; for moving towards new forms of action.

A heating planet is an emerging reality to which scholars must respond.

This Keynote is online lecture.

Leena Kolehmainen

Professor, German language
University of Helsinki

Leena Kolehmainen is professor in German language at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Department of Languages (2023-). Her current research topics include multilingualism and German language in Finland. Leena Kolehmainen speaks about multilingualism in the cities.

More info coming soon.

Abstract for Keynote:


Abstract coming soon.
This Keynote is in Finnish.